
Mini Review

Severe aorto-iliac occlusive disease: Options beyond standard aorto-bifemoral bypass

Konstantinos Filis*, Constantinos Zarmakoupis, Fragiska Sigala and George Galyfos

Published: 27 December, 2018 | Volume 2 - Issue 1 | Pages: 020-024

According to recent guidelines, endovascular angioplasty is the standard treatment for TASC A and B primary aorto-iliac occlusive (AIOD) disease, and the first-line approach for TASC C lesions [1,2]. Extended TASC D occlusive disease is usually treated by open surgery yielding excellent patency rates at a cost of a higher mortality (2%-4%) and a severe morbidity (up to 10%) [3]. However, several studies have reported promising results after endovascular treatment of extensive AIOD and full reconstruction of the aortic bifurcation [4,5]. In a recent meta-analysis, Jongkind et al., concluded that endovascular treatment of extensive AIOD can be performed successfully by experienced interventionists in selected patients [6]. Although primary patency rates seem to be lower than those reported for surgical revascularization, reinterventions can often be performed percutaneously yielding a secondary patency comparable to surgical repair.

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