Research Article
Published: 25 January, 2018 | Volume 2 - Issue 1 | Pages: 001-009
Background: Popliteal artery aneurysms (PAAs) are rare, but the diagnosis should not be missed because of the limb and life threatening complications. The purpose of this study was to reach a consensus about the management of PAA based on our own experience and the available literature.
Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective analysis of all patients who underwent an open surgical PAA repair at our institution from January 2015 to December 2016. Demographic data, risk factors, clinical presentation, aneurysm characteristics, type of repair and results were reviewed. Results include patency and major complications.
Results: Seven patients underwent an open surgical PAA repair (six men). Median age was 72 years. A posterior approach (PA) was chosen four times and a medial approach (MA) was chosen three times. We performed six resections with interposition of a graft and only one ligation with a bypass. Five patients recovered well, did not develop any complication and did not need a second intervention to guarantee patency. These patients underwent a resection of the aneurysm and interposition of a graft (four via a PA and one via a MA). One patient treated by resection and interposition of a Dacron graft via a MA underwent an above-the-knee amputation at postoperative day 14. This patient had a preoperatively dysfunctional leg since several months with no patent outflow vessels. Our patient treated by ligation and bypass via a MA, developed an acute ischemia four months postoperatively because of an extreme flexion of the knee during several hours while watching TV. After unsuccessful trombolysis, he underwent a femorotibial bypass and a partial forefoot amputation. No long-term results are yet available.
Conclusions: In our opinion, open surgical repair of PAAs by resection of the aneurysm and interposition of a venous graft has the best results. Depending on the relation to the knee joint and thus the accessibility of the aneurysm, a posterior approach is preferred. We are not convinced of endovascular techniques in the treatment of popliteal artery aneurysms
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Popliteal artery aneurysm; Posterior approach; Open surgical repair
Figure 1
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Figure 3
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